Solar radiation analyses and simulations for buildings.

Solar radiation analyses and simulations of energy distribution in facade constructions.

Radiation and thermal analyses for facade concepts and different glazing, sun protection systems, combinations.

Day-lighting simulations and analyses.

Analyses for energy efficiency for facade concepts and shading devices: Economical analyses; Facade concepts; Efficiency; CO2 emissions.

Consultancy, engineering and R&D for: Facade concepts and energy efficiency; Glazing and shading systems and concepts; Solar protection systems.

BMS algorithms and programming - scenarios and variant analyses.

In cooperation with RetroSolar GmbH.

Member of Bulgarian Green Building Council (BGBC).

Development of Methodologies and Specialized Software in the area of energy efficient solutions for buildings.

Solar radiation analyses and simulations for PV (Photo-Voltaic) systems and power plants.


Sopharma Business Towers / Litex Tower. Open 2011.

Architect: Arhitektonika Ltd.
Investors: Sopharma imoti PLC., Litex Tower PLC.
Consultancy facade concept, solar shading and solar energetic:
Koester Lichplanung (DE) in cooperation with K. Velkovsky.

The complex is designed with the idea for high energy efficiency with the business class buildings. Some of the used advanced techniques are active day-lighting and synergetic effects for HVAC and other systems, decentralized control over the systems providing flexibility, advanced HVAC techniques including night ventilation and usage of a concrete core of the construction as mass storage for energy. The energy savings achieved in the project are over 40% of the final energy consumption compared to the actual art of the design.

Sopharma Business Towers Awards 2011:
GOLDEN DGNB Certificate for sustainable construction.

Sopharma Business Towers:

The opening ceremony 06,10,2011

The Technology:

Sopharma Business Towers/Litex Tower - Daylight Technology

Sopharma Business Towers

Sopharma/Litex Towers - Adaptive facade & Daylighting technology

Litex Towers

Sopharma-Litex Towers Sopharma-Litex Towers

Litex Tower Energy consumption

Sopharma-Litex Towers

American University in Bulgaria - Blagoevgrad town, BG. Open 2013.

Architect: Dimcho Tilev
Facade energy analysis and shading: Kiril Velkovsky
Shading devices: RetroSolar - RteroLux Therm
Assembler/Installer: BiSYS Ltd.

Facade concept: Single layer glazed facade with insulation glasses, e-low coating and build in retro-optical shading devices.
Stage 1: RetroLux Therm in fixed position.
Stage 2: RetroFlex Therm in fixed position.
The system is self adjusting adaptive system using the geometry of the solar path on the sky.
The range of adjustment is between 0.1 and 0.35 SHGC (g-value).

The first project where retro-optical sun-protection systems are build in insulation glass for the region.

Ametican University, Blagoevgrad, BG.

D Commerce Bank, Sofia, BG.

Architect: A3 Architecture
Investors: FORTERA PLC.

The project is a further development of the concept of thin double skin facades, where there are used standard facade profiles in construction. The idea is to develop cost and energy effective adaptive facade design suitable for renovations of old buildings, where the general old vision and nature of the building are to be preserved.

D Commerce Bank

BulRIS Riuse, BG.

Architect: A3 Architecture

The project is a further development of the concept of thin double skin facades, where there are used standard facade profiles in construction. The idea is to develop cost and energy effective adaptive facade design suitable for renovations of old buildings, where the general old vision and nature of the building are to be preserved.


San Stefano Plaza, Sofia BG.

Architect Stefan Dobrev - "Stefan Dobrev-Architecture and Design" Ltd.
Architect Ilian Nikolov - AB "Nikolov & Nikolov"
Architect Filip Zahariev
Investors: San Stefano Development Properties
Consultancy daylight and facade concept, solar shading and solar energetic Kiril Velkovsky.
Energy efficiency in cooperation with Pere & Victor Kamburov

San Stefano Plaza.

Telerik HQ4 - "Mladost", Sofia BG.

Investors: Telerik
Consultancy daylight and facade concept, solar shading and solar energetic Kiril Velkovsky. Energy efficiency and strategies in cooperation with Eng. Vasko Vassilev - ThermoSrvice.

Full scale facade - solar energy simulations for double skin facade and active daylighting for the project.

Telerik HQ4 - Sofia.

Standard Bank Centre, Rosebank, South Africa.

Architect: GLH Architects South Africa
Investors: Standard Bank Real Estate Investments
Consultancy facade concept, solar shading and solar energetic:
Koester Lichtplanung DE and Kiril Velkovsky BG

Full scale facade energy simulations based on competitive glazing platforms. Development of an unique facade concept, especially designed in consideration with local weather specifics. The used advance simulations techniques become an essential part of the design process.

Standard Bank Centre, Rosebank, South Africa.

ZEB-01 (Zero Energy Building 01), near Sofia town.

Architect: Architectonika & BSD
Investors: Industrial Zones BG
As founder and member of BSD:
- Full scale energy efficiency analyzes and strategies.
- Development of unique energy save strategies and patents implemented in the building.
- Daylight and facade concept, solar shading and solar energetic.

Arhitektonika Studio - ZEB1
BSD - project web side.
Institute of Zero Energy Buildings - BG


Office and residential complex "Vazrajdane", Varna town BG. Project.

Architect: VAMOS Architecture Ltd.
Investors: Amadan Capital PLC.
Consultancy facade concept, solar shading and solar energetic:
Koester Lichtplanung DE with Kiril Velkovsky BG.

The project is categorized as highly energy efficient.
The flexible and adaptive designed facade in combination actively uses daylight deeply in the interior. This is complimented with the activation of the concrete structures of the building as part of the HVAC concept and the usage of geothermal sources of energy. All this factors put together make the project very attractive and highly efficient from energetic point of view.
The target of the designers and the project team is the office building to fit in the criteria for a passive building design, even if it is designed as an office building.

Vazrajdane Complex, Varna.


  • 10.Mar.2015, Sopharma Litex Complex - šesults after 3.5 years. National Trust Eco Fund, Bulgaria
  • 28.Feb. - 01.Mar. 2013, World Sustainable Energy Days, Wels, Austri: Sopharma Litex - Report for the performance of the complex for the first 12 months at European Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Conference.
  • Sustainability Forum Sofia 14.09.2012 - Sopharma reported the Business Towers performance for the first 7 months of 2012 year.
  • THE PROJECT - THE TOWERS OF LITEX AND SOPHARMA, QM Magazine, January 2012. With special compliments to QM Media publishing.
  • Reynaers Report #11 / 2012, Project.
  • Sopharma Business Towers/Litex Tower: One project where the solar architecture and sustainability meet the business-class buildings.
  • In press:

    Trends: Playing with Light - Article QM4, 2008.

    Day-lighting and Energy Efficiency - Article "Dnevnik" 2010. BG.

    Aricle "The Building" magazine: New vision for the energy efficiency of the business class building.

    Stroitelstvo Grada Newspaper 2010 - interview

    Stroi Media 2010 - interview


    Arhitektonika Studion Ltd.

    Reynaers Aluminium Bulgaria

    Building Systems Design

    Zero Energy Hub

    Koester Lichtplanung, DE

    Retro Solar GmbH, DE

    Solar Luminance - Custom Daylight Light Fixture Manufacturer

    Litex Tower - Sofia. Official WEB side.

    Sopharma Business Towers - Sofia. Official WEB side.

    Bulgarian Green Building Council

    QM Media publishing.

    Kiril Velkovsky, Since 1990 ©. All rights reserved.